
Howard Gensler is a veteran journalist who’s worked at the Philadelphia Daily News, TV Guide and the Philadelphia Inquirer and is a founding editor of
With Halloween only a few weeks off, we wanted to investigate Mississippi’s most haunted cities, and the big winner – assuming you view winning as being haunted – is Corinth. – your source for Mississippi sports betting when mobile launches in the state - utilized to compile the amount of ghost sightings across the state. After determining the number of sightings per city, we developed the Top 10 cities for ghost sightings. Here are the results:
The General’s Quarters Inn on North Fillmore Street is a popular spot for ghost sightings with second floor guests often reporting strange voices, doors opening and closing, lights flickering and footsteps. According to, the haunting is due to a servant who drank too much and died after falling down a flight of stairs
In second place, without a ghost of a chance of reaching the top spot, is Biloxi, where Confederate soldiers are still rumored to rise from the dead. Deer Island, off the coast of Biloxi, is also said to be haunted, as is Biloxi Bay, where the Firewater Ghost still hovers and has been casting a spectral blue light since before the invention of the bulb.
Senatobia is our third-place phantom finisher, known for haunted Salem Cemetery and the spot off Salem Road, where a young boy allegedly hung himself. To this day, his spirit reportedly messes up the transmission of cars that stop by the tree. Pull off the road for a closer look at the branch where he tied the rope and your car won’t start again. Get ready to push it.
In fourth place is Vicksburg, site of the McRaven House, a camp of the Confederacy believed to be the burial site of 11 bodies, not all soldiers, and home to numerous ghosts. According to the SunHerald, the Mississippi Paranormal Society has investigated the McRaven House on numerous occasions and heard footsteps and voices coming from nowhere,and seen doors opening.
Nearby is Vicksburg National Military Park, where thousands of soldiers lost their lives in the Civil War. Of course, there are going to be ghost sightings at a Civil War battlefield, so ghost tours are offered. Need more for your ghost fix? Check out Barbara Sillery’s illustrated book, The Haunting of Mississippi.
Interestingly, Jackson does not make the list, and that’s where the movie “Ghosts of Mississippi” is set. You’d think if anyone wanted to haunt Mississippi, it would be the spirit of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers.
In addition to getting readers in the state ready for sports betting, occasionally offers stories of cultural interest. Check out our story on dating in Mississippi
Howard Gensler is a veteran journalist who’s worked at the Philadelphia Daily News, TV Guide and the Philadelphia Inquirer and is a founding editor of